The word Journey can take on different facets of meaning. Usually, the meaning given to it is linked as much as possible to the experience of the people themselves and to their lifestyle. In the project, the thoughts on the idea of journey, that will emerge from the students, will be considered and explored, and a discussion and comparison on the different shared interpretations will be triggered. We will start from the concrete experience of each student to contemplate, gradually, examples of journeys that open to stories of displacement, migration, and diversity. Some stories for children and the vision of some video testimonies of refugee experiences published by the International Red Cross and other humanitarian organizations such as the UNHCR will help convey these issues. Students’ critical thinking will be urged to seek solutions. ICT will help document and make the project activities more engaging and effective and will educate students on a safe and critical use of the Web.
Italy(11), Turkey(5), Portugal(1)
Age range:
Subjects of teaching:
Primary School Subjects, Geography, Foreign Languages, Cross Curricular, Citizenship, Citizenship, Citizenship